
Fun Facts About Betta Fish

Fun Facts About Betta Fish

Also known as the “Siamese fighting fish”, the betta fish are a beautiful aquatic species. This breed is characterized by its varying vibrant colorization and intricate fin details. If you’re looking into getting this type of fish, here are several fun facts about its breed that I hope you enjoy.

First, betta fish are diurnal. This essentially means that they sleep primarily at night and require darkness to get a good night’s rest. Their sleep patterns are much like our own. This fact is great for people who would like to keep their fish tanks in the room with them during the night. Darkness for their sleep process is vital for their health and helps ensure a full lifespan.

Another interesting fact about the betta fish breed: they can survive out of water for short periods as long as they are kept moist. This is because they have an organ in their body which allows them to breathe oxygen from the surface by helping the fish absorb inhaled oxygen into the bloodstream. This organ is known as the labyrinth organ. The organ aids the betta fish in its ability to survive in low oxygenated waters.

Lastly, betta fish are fairly intelligent. The species can recognize its guardian, and they can be taught to do tricks. They aren’t a very social breed- in fact, it’s advised not to house betta fish with any other fish as they are very territorial and will fight other aquatic life. Despite not enjoying the presence of other fish, they may become bored due to its fairly heightened intelligence and might enjoy more stimulation. You can play simple games with your pet fish to help prevent this such as following your finger, swimming through hoops, and jumping up from the water.

This intelligent and complex species can provide a pop of color along with a subtle companionship without the other hassles of free-roaming pets. The betta fish breed can be a wonderful addition to your home as long as it is provided proper living conditions and stimulation.

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